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Sweet & Salty Lemonade


Sweet and salty lemonade is perfect for thirst-quenching in summer.
It is quick and easy to prepare within 5 minutes.
I realize everyone knows how to make lemonade, but that’s the difference in this recipe.


  • Lemon – 1 big
  • Sugar -1/4 cup (as required)
  • Salt -1/4tsp (as required)
  • Club soda – 1bottle
  • Ice cubes few
  • Mint for garnishing


  1. Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl and keep it aside.
  2. Pour lemon juice evenly into each serving glass.
  3. Add sugar and salt and stir well.
  4. Then add ice cubes to a serving glass.
  5. Finally, add soda to the cup and decorate
    Small rings of lemon and mint and enjoy!
    Adjust sugar and salt to your taste.
    Instead of soda, you can use water.