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Doughnut Dough

Doughnut Dough

Doughnut Dough

Once you have tasted this delicious delicious donut, you can’t resist it next time. You can present it to your family or friends with joy.

  • 17 oz strong white bread flour
  • 2 oz golden caster sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 4.4 oz softened unsalted butter
  • 0.5 oz fresh yeast, crumbled
  • ½ lemon zest
  • 2 tsp fine sea salt
  • about 67 fl oz of sunflower oil, for deep-frying
  • caster sugar, for tossing
  1. In the bowl of a mixer with a beater paddle, combine 5 fl oz water and all of the dough ingredients, except the butter. Mix for 8 minutes on medium speed, or until dough begins to form a ball. Leave the dough for one minute to rest after turning off the mixer.
  2. Restart the mixer on medium speed and gradually incorporate the butter into the dough, about 0.9 oz at a time. Mix on high speed for 5 minutes once it’s all combined until the dough is shiny, smooth, and very elastic when tugged.
  3. Cover the bowl with cling film or a clean tea towel and set aside to prove for at least an hour. Re-cover and refrigerate the dough overnight in the fridge after lightly knocking it back in the bowl.
  4. Take the dough out of the fridge the next day and cut it into 1.7 oz each piece (you should get about 20).
  5. Roll the dough into smooth, tight buns and lay them on a dusted baking dish, leaving enough space between them so they don’t cling together while proving.
  6. Cover loosely with cling film and set aside for 4 hours or until the size has doubled.
    Half-fill a deep-fat fryer or a heavy-bottomed saucepan with oil. Preheat the oil to 180 F
  7. When the oil is hot, use a floured pastry scraper to delicately remove the doughnuts from the tray.
  8. Place them in the oil, being careful not to deflate them. Depending on the size of your fryer or pan, do 2-3 each batch.
  9. Cook for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown — they will puff up and float, so gently push them down after approximately 1 minute to help them color evenly.
  10. Place the doughnuts on kitchen paper after removing them from the frying.
  11. While the doughnuts are still warm, toss them in a bowl of caster sugar. Repeat the processes until all of the doughnuts are cooked, but make sure the oil temperature is correct – if it’s too hot, they’ll burn and be raw in the middle; if it’s too low, the oil will absorb into the doughnuts, making them greasy.
  12. Make a hole in the crease of each doughnut with a little knife, somewhere around the white line between the cooked top and bottom.
  13. Fill a piping bag halfway with the filling and pipe it into the doughnut until it is properly swollen — 0.7-1.7 oz is the ideal amount, depending on the filling; the cream will be less because it is more aerated.
  14. The doughnuts are best eaten right away after filling, although they will keep in an airtight tin for a few days. Enjoy !!