
What are the nutritional qualities for the perfect smoked salmon?


What do we know about salmon?

In general, salmon are born in freshwater, then migrate to the ocean before returning to freshwater to spawn when they have reached sexual maturity. It is this aquatic transhumance that contributes to the nutritional richness of this fish from the salmon family, a source of protein and B and D vitamins.

What are the nutritional qualities for the perfect smoked salmon?

Smoked salmon has the advantage of bringing together many nutritional qualities: proteins (rich in essential amino acids), phosphorus, selenium, iodine, vitamins B12, B3, B6, etc. Dr. Laurence Plumey, nutritionist, reminds us: “Smoked salmon is a delicious oily fish and is even part of this only family of foods – the so-called “fatty” fish – capable of providing long-chain omega 3 and vitamin D, which we know that the contributions for the latter, are insufficient for the French adult population. Consuming smoked salmon is therefore a great way to combine the useful with the festive and the greedy! “.

Large amounts of vitamin D

Fat-soluble vitamin D is found in significant amounts in the flesh of fatty fish. Smoked salmon contains approximately 5.45 µg / 100g, or an average of 1.9 µg for a 35g slice of smoked salmon. Since the Average Nutritional Need for Vitamin D for adults is 10 µg / day, a single slice of smoked salmon alone covers 19% of this recommended intake. A valuable asset when we know that 80% of adults have a vitamin D deficiency. Indeed, vitamin D is an extremely important vitamin; it facilitates the intestinal absorption of calcium and its fixation on the bone matrix. It is also involved in the normal functioning of the immune system and muscles, in the processes of cell division, and in the maintenance of normal bones.

In short :

  • Vitamin D is a strategic vitamin involved in the proper functioning of the immune system,
    muscles and bone strength. The average nutritional requirement is 10 µg / day for adults. The main potential sources of vitamin D are oily fish, certain dairy products enriched with vitamin D … and (measured) exposure to the sun, which allows our body to synthesize it.
  • However, half or more of the French population is deficient in vitamin D, due to a lack of sufficient consumption of fatty fish and regular sunshine.
  • And all it takes is a slice of smoked salmon to cover almost 20% of your daily vitamin D requirement!



 Naturally rich in Omega 3

Salmon is one of the “fatty” fish whose weekly consumption is officially recommended by the National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS). It is rich in Omega 3, with an average content of 1.4g of EPA and DHA combined per 100g. These values ​​are higher than those of a raw, unsmoked salmon because the salting, drying, and smoking processes lead to slight dehydration of the fish and therefore, for equal weight, increase the concentration of its nutritional elements. Knowing that an average slice of smoked salmon weighs around 35g, this, therefore, represents on average an intake of 220 mg of EPA and 276 mg of DHA, extremely interesting values, our Recommended Nutritional Allowance (ANC) being 250 mg per day, for an adult, for both EPA and DHA. This means that 1 slice of smoked salmon allows us to cover 88% of the ANC in EPA and the entire ANC in DHA.

 Proteins with very good nutritional value

Proteins are characteristic of smoked salmon. Proteins are essential macronutrients for the body, playing a structural role (especially in the muscles and skin) and being involved in the immune response process (through antibodies) or digestive (via certain digestive enzymes). Smoked salmon is rich in protein, a single slice of smoked salmon covers almost 10% of an adult’s daily requirement. It is also for this reason that the flesh of smoked salmon is satiating; it is dense and nutritionally rich.

In short :

-Every day, we need 60 to 80 g of protein, of which ideally half of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products) and the other half of vegetable origin (breads, cereals, starches, vegetables dried, oleaginous fruits). 1 slice of smoked salmon provides almost 10% of our need for animal protein.