A classic, easy-to-make dish featuring delicious hamburger steaks dipped in beef and onion broth. Traditionally served with potatoes or hot white rice.
Ingredients :
- 1lb. ground beef
- 1 egg
- 1/3 cup bread crumbs
- 1/2tsp. black pepper
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. onion powder
- 1 clove garlic minced
- 1tsp. Worcestershire sauce
- 1tbsp. oil
- 1 1/2 cup thinly sliced onion
- 2tbsp. all-purpose flour
- 1 cup beef broth
- 1/2tsp. salt
- In a large bowl, combine ground beef, eggs, breadcrumbs, pepper, salt, onion powder, garlic and Worcestershire sauce, and form to thick patties.
- Heat the oil in a large pan over medium heat.
- Fry the steaks and onions in the oil until well browned.
- Transfer the steaks to a plate and leave them hot.
- Sprinkle the flour over the onions and broth in the pan. Stir in the flour with a fork, scraping the meat off the bottom while stirring.
- Gradually mix in the meat broth. Season with seasoned salt. Simmer, stirring, over medium-low heat for 5 minutes, until broth thickens. Reduce the heat, return the steaks to the broth, cover, and simmer for another 15 minutes.
- When finished, serve with potato puree or vegetables of your choice.