
Golden rules to follow in order not to make a mess in your kitchen


Does the apron stress you out, the whip distresses you and the pressure overflows the mold? Take a deep breath, learning to cook should remain a pleasure! No, learning doesn’t have to be a chore, let alone a stress … and yes, cooking up anything small can be learned slowly. The beginner’s first tip? Break down into stuff, precisely! And keep in mind some essential rules that make the kitchen a supervised space. We relax, we let go and we put things into perspective: cooking is neither an exact science nor a sacred art, and failures make progress at great speed. But since you will probably prefer, despite everything, to avoid them, know that cooking has its laws, its secrets and its tips. His cheat sheets, in short, that any beginner would benefit from discovering before cooking! Just to save yourself a few sweats, once you put on the apron.

1. organize the kitchen:

Beginner or not, cooking without a minimum of order is often complicated … even culinary suicidal! The method? First of all, take the time to read the entire recipe, to make sure you don’t forget anything. And not to be surprised by a rest or cooking time longer than expected! List the ingredients, then the necessary equipment, especially if your kitchen cupboards are sparse. In general, you will need at least a spatula and a wooden spoon, a whisk and a good knife, a salad bowl and cooking equipment suitable for the recipe. The list is made? Set up the recipe prominently, wash your hands and tie your hair up, then organize your countertops. Take out all the ingredients to make sure that nothing is missing, as well as the utensils. Once started, carefully follow the steps described in your beginner’s recipe … and if a technical term is foreign to you, search the internet rather than improvise!

2. Take your time and use patience:

No need to lie to you, traditional cuisine, the real, the pure, is quite accessible to beginners… but takes time! Of course, there are a number of express recipes that can be simmered in a jiffy for little sparkling dishes. But pasta, cakes, stews and other essentials are based on patience: not necessarily during cooking, but when resting, kneading or baking. And be patient, again, if the recipe fails. Even the pros face the blunders, so indulge yourself and learn the lesson for the next! In other words, choose your beginner recipes carefully. If these indicate 45 minutes of rest, there is no question of going down to thirty! The same goes for cooking, which conditions golden crusts and well-cooked meats, reducing sauces such as taking eggs. Same concept, again, in terms of ingredients… fresh products require peeling, chopping, chopping, when frozen foods are scattered in the second, but the difference in taste is well worth the delay.

3. Temperature in the kitchen:

If there’s one thing that recipes rarely tell beginners about, it’s the importance of temperature … cooking as an ingredient. First step, preheating! If the cooking recipe asks you to preheat the oven, the indicated cooking time depends on it: forget it, and your dish will not be cooked in the expected time. Worse, the cooking will not be uniform. Ditto for the oven thermostat or the force of the fire, we do not compromise with the indications! A beginner’s second secret, temperature is not just about cooking, but also the ingredients. As a rule, everything is easier when the ingredients are at the same temperature. The easiest? Take them out 30 minutes before cooking. With a few notable exceptions, of course! Whipped cream and some creams require very cold ingredients and utensils: place everything in the refrigerator 30 minutes before cooking. You will cut them much more easily after placing the meat and fish in the freezer for 10 minutes.


4. Starchy foods in the kitchen:

Starchy foods have their little tricks to ensure success. A favorite with gourmets, the pasta is plunged into a pot of salted boiling water, with a drizzle of vinegar, not oil. Cooking time is of the essence, and the starch should simmer, without a lid. Finally, drain them without running them under cold water before serving. Same thing for rice? It’s all about starch! The principle is valid for both rice and potatoes: the starch they add.